Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Saint Therese of Lisieux- Saint Therese Of The Child Jesus

Therese Martin was the last of five daughters of a wealthy watchmaker. Therese’s mother died when she was very young. The Martin girls had most of what they wanted but their father taught them that the most important thing was to want to please God.

From a very young age, Therese did little deeds for everyone. She prepared for her First Holy Communion by making many little sacrifices. She became a very special friend of Jesus.

Therese had a great desire to join the Carmelite nuns from very young age. Two of her older sisters, Pauline and Celine were already nuns at the Carmelite convent. When she was a teenager she was ready to join the Carmelite sisters but this was a very young age to join the convent. She went to Rome and asked the Pope to allow her to join the convent at her tender age.

Therese entered the convent when she was fifteen. She wanted to save souls. Therese tried to please God in the very smallest things in her life. She understood that everything that happened to her was God’s will and His gift. Therese lived a life of humility, simplicity, and childlike trust in God.

If she were scolded or blamed she would not answer back. If she were disappointed she would not show it. No matter how sick or tired she felt, she would never complain. She called this her “Little Way.” She saw everything she did as an offering to God.

Saint Therese died when she was only twenty-four years old.

Saint Therese teaches us that we don’t have to do big things to please God. We please God by the little things we do, in work school or play. Doing our chores without complaining or maybe smiling at someone who may be sad, or sharing our toys are examples of little things we can do to please God.

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