Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Maximilian Kolbe was born into a poor family in the year 1894 in Poland, but though they were poor they also loved God and taught all their children to love God as well.

Maximilian could at times be naughty and oneday his Mother said to him, "Max I don't know what is to become of you"! This upset Maximilian very much because he did not wish to upset his mother and neither did he wish to upset God.

This made Maximilian go to Church and pray before the Blessed Sacrament as he was truly sorry that he had been naughty. It was here that a beautiful lady appeared to him and Maximilian knew it was our Blessed Mother, he was awestruck at her beauty and her kindness.

Our Blessed Mother then offered Maximilan two crowns from which to choose, one was white which meant purity and the other which meant martyrdom. Maximilian without hesitation chose both!

When Maximilian left school he decided to become a Priest, and spent many happy years writing about our Lady when he and his fellow Priests started a magazine dedicated especially to the Blessed Mother.

Father Maximilian also travelled to Japan in order to talk about our Faith, but when he got sick he had to return to Poland. When he returned he kept writing and spreading his paper about our Lady so that all may come to love her as he did.

Then oneday war began in Poland and the Nazi's occupied Poland, this led many people to suffer as the Nazi's were very mean and cruel men. Father Maximilian did all he could to help the people of his homeland but unfortunately the Nazi's did not like this.

When the Nazi's asked Father Maximilian to print papers about them, Father Maximilian refused to spread hate, because he wished to spread love instead of hate. This upset the Nazi's and they arrested Father Maximilian!

Father Maximilian showed much courage in the camps the Nazi sent him too and everyone loved him there. Then oneday a man who was going to be killed cried out, 'but I am married what will happen to my poor wife and children'? Father Maximilian could not allow this poor man to die so he stepped out and took his place.

The mean Nazi soldiers killed Father Maximilian as he prayed the Rosary. What the Blessed Mother had said to the young Maximilian came true, for he was both pure and holy and also died a Martry so someone else may live.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe know lives in Heaven with God and our Blessed Mother who he so loved.

Copyright © 2006 Steve Smith. All rights reserved.

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