The Saints are people who have died and now live face-to-face with God. But that's not all they do.
On earth they were devoted to helping other people and they continue to help in Heaven. As he lay dying, Saint Dominic said to his friends, "Do not weep, for I shall be more useful after my death and I shall help you then more effectively that during my death". St Therese of Lisieux said, I want to spend my Heaven doing good on Earth. Their prayers and intercessions can give us the extra boost we need to leap into the arms of God.
Let us remember that the Saints are humans who faced the same temptations we do. But they were able to stay focused on God. For example, as a rich man's son, Saint Francis of Assisi was used to very nice things and parties. He understands the lure to the things of the world and what it takes to overcome it. He can ask that we receive the graces to do the same.
No matter what our interests or background are we can find a Saint who shares them. Maybe learning about his or her journey will help us on our journey. So let us remember to ask the Saints to pray for us.
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